Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting
We Make Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Easy
Whether you are just getting started with Greenhouse Gas Reporting or are ready to take your efforts to the next level, Crete United can help you get there. Our consultants guide your team through a materiality assessment to evaluate your highest risk categories among Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions – and provide you with the tools you need to track and report accurately.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Is a Business Imperative
From Massachusetts to New York, Colorado to California and in between, customers and regulators alike want you to report and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. By reporting your emissions to your customers, you are better positioned to help them achieve their goals of increasing business value with products and services that do less environmental harm.

Recent Work
Regional Commercial Linen and Uniform Company Begins Reporting Journey
The company leaders embrace sustainability as a core value and want to ensure they have the strategy and capital improvement plan necessary to reduce their environmental impact in the coming years. Recognizing that their largest impact areas are from delivery and pickup (Scope 1) and utilities (Scopes 1 and 2) at the plant, the company’s leaders wanted to create a plan to reduce emissions over time. In addition, their care for their employees added importance to improving the work environment for their plant employees. In partnership with a sustainability roadmap engagement, Crete United helped the company determine its baseline GHG emissions for the plant and create a framework to create a baseline for delivery and pick-up. With our support, they started their internal reporting journey and took first steps to lower their environmental footprint.

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Work with us to shape a more efficient, sustainable future
Our sustainability consultants serve clients across the US. They are poised to provide the strategic consulting and reporting frameworks required to comply with regulations and customer requirements. Coupled with our on the ground installation and maintenance teams that can design and implement energy-savings or energy-generating projects, Crete United is poised to help you reduce and report your impact, attract new customers and comply with regulators.