From office high rises to mixed-use retail and open air malls, we pair industry knowledge with deep efficiency expertise.
Businesses looking for office or retail space are increasingly considering energy efficiency in their decision-making process. Energy-efficient buildings are attractive to environmentally conscious tenants, and existing tenants may be more likely to stay in a space that offers cost savings on top of a comfortable work environment.
Energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems can create a more comfortable, productive work environment, while smart building technologies, such as building automation systems and energy management platforms, allow for better control and monitoring of energy usage. It all adds up to a more productive, attractive and effective space for visitors, property managers and employees.
Our company, General & Mechanical Services, has a contract to perform the annual certification of 55 backflow prevention devices within the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. GMS also provides replacement or repair services for any units that do not meet the certification standards.
Our company, Piper Electric, transformed a demoed building into a dynamic auto dealership. From enhancing the electrical system to the installation of cutting-edge panel boards. The result? A project marked by collaboration, precision and efficiency.
Our self-performing, boots-on-the-ground mechanical, electrical and plumbing companies have a deep understanding of your industry specific needs … and we’ll be with you through every step of your project. Contact us to see if our holistic engineered solutions can meet the needs of your next commercial project.